"Coxeter groups"

Single-Shot Decoding of Linear Rate LDPC Quantum Codes with High Performance

We construct and analyze a family of low-density parity check (LDPC) quantum codes with a linear encoding rate, polynomial scaling distance and efficient decoding schemes. The code family is based on tessellations of closed, four-dimensional, …

Quantum Pin Codes

We introduce quantum pin codes: a class of quantum CSS codes. Quantum pin codes are a vast generalization of quantum color codes and Reed-Muller codes. A lot of the structure and properties of color codes carries over to pin codes. Pin codes have …

The small stellated dodecahedron code and friends

We explore a distance-3 homological CSS quantum code, namely the small stellated dodecahedron code, for dense storage of quantum information and we compare its performance with the distance-3 surface code. The data and ancilla qubits of the small …

Hyperbolic and semi-hyperbolic surface codes for quantum storage

We show how a hyperbolic surface code could be used for overhead-efficient quantum storage. We give numerical evidence for a noise threshold of for the -hyperbolic surface code in a phenomenological noise model (as compared with for the toric …

Constructions and Noise Threshold of Hyperbolic Surface Codes

We show how to obtain concrete constructions of homological quantum codes based on tilings of 2D surfaces with constant negative curvature (hyperbolic surfaces). This construction results in two-dimensional quantum codes whose tradeoff of encoding …